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2024-issue-1Corporate Highlights

MOSTI Deputy Minister’s Visit Highlights MIMOS’ Innovation Drive and Commitment

On 16 January 2024, MIMOS had the distinct pleasure of welcoming YB Dato’ Haji Mohammad Yusof Bin Apdal, the Deputy Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MOSTI), to MIMOS Berhad.

It was a privilege to illustrate to YB Dato’ Haji Mohammad Yusof the critical role MIMOS plays in propelling Malaysia towards becoming a global pinnacle of innovation, in line with the ambitious objectives of Malaysia MADANI. One of the day’s highlights was witnessing YB Dato’ Haji Mohammad Yusof actively engaging with MIMOS’ digital initiatives, particularly through his registration with MyDigital ID.

The MOSTI delegation was treated to a tour of MIMOS’ state-of-the-art laboratories, which included Advanced Materials, Reliability, Semiconductor, Wafer Fabrication, and the Failure Analysis Lab. This tour underscored MIMOS’ unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of excellence. YB Dato’s admiration for our world-class facilities underscored the significance of MIMOS’ contributions to technological advancement and innovation.